ADHD Resource Hub
Welcome to the ADHD Resource Hub. Here, you’ll find a range of resources to assist you in understanding and managing ADHD more effectively. From comprehensive guides and informative ebooks to practical tools and worksheets, our materials are designed to provide valuable insights and strategies.
Copeland Symptom Checklist

The Copeland Symptom Checklist is a quick, user-friendly tool for spotting potential ADHD symptoms in children, based on parent and teacher observations.
Interested in exploring further? Download the checklist now and get insights into your child’s behavior.
For an accurate diagnosis and treatment, always consult a healthcare professional.
504 Accommodations for ADHD Students

The 504 Plan provides essential accommodations for students with ADHD, ensuring they receive the support they need in the educational environment. These adjustments can include extra time on tests, a quiet room for exams, or tailored homework assignments.
Curious about how a 504 Plan can help your child? Download our guide now for a comprehensive understanding.
Remember, a formal assessment by an educational professional is vital for setting up the right accommodations.
NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scale—PARENT Informant

The NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scale for Parents is a detailed questionnaire designed to identify ADHD symptoms in children, based on parental observations. This tool helps in capturing the nuances of your child’s behavior and is a crucial step towards understanding their needs.
Interested in gaining insights into your child’s behavior? Download the Vanderbilt Assessment Scale for Parents now.
For a complete evaluation and accurate diagnosis, consult with a healthcare professional.
NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scale—TEACHER Informant

The NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scale for Teachers is a specialized questionnaire designed to evaluate ADHD symptoms in children from a teacher’s perspective. It plays a crucial role in understanding a child’s behavior in an educational setting.
If you’re a teacher observing signs of ADHD in your student, download the Vanderbilt Assessment Scale for Teachers today.
This tool aids in providing valuable insights but remember, a comprehensive evaluation by a healthcare professional is essential for an accurate diagnosis.
Yale Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS)

To help identify potential OCD symptoms, a straightforward tool like the OCD Test can be incredibly useful. This test is designed to highlight the key signs of OCD based on personal observations and experiences.
Curious to learn more? Access the OCD Test now and gain a deeper understanding of the behaviors and patterns that may indicate OCD.
Remember, for a definitive diagnosis and appropriate treatment options, consulting with a healthcare professional is always recommended.